Guest Details

If you have invited a Guest, we hope you enjoy the day - please find a few reminders:
Either the Member or Guest, must provide details about the Guest and ensure the Guest Fee of $10 per guest and per visit is made before playing.   (Bank Account BSB: 033 039  A/C#: 863 031)

Help is needed by our members and guests:

  • Guests must be accompanied by a member at all times
  • Every Guest's detail is to be provided on our online form before playing  CLICK HERE FOR THE GUEST FORM
  • It is expected that guests who play more than 4 times in a year should become a member
  • Guests should be aware and understand the Club's Code of Conduct and Club rules
  • Reminder: Fee is $10 per guest and each visit-please make payment to the club's bank account before playing



Why provide guest details?

  • To comply with Boroondara Council lease requirements
  • To ensure coverage by Personal Sports Accident Insurance

Committee Members will occasionally conduct spot checks and we would appreciate cooperation from our members and guests.  In following the rules —it helps create a better experience for everyone!

Thank you for your cooperation! 🎾🌟