Court Hire

Webster Street Courts

Club Courts 1,2,3,4,5 are available for members to book and use, except where the court is reserved for competition.

Important Note

We  are trialling the below configuration to make it easier for member to book evening use, but on the same time to provide a fair usage to other player to use our beautiful court.

Day and Evening use

Member is allowed to book maximum 2 hour per booking, during day use and member can book maximum 1 time per day. (Total is 2 hours)


Cancel Booking
If for some reason, you no longer require the booking or finish earlier than expected, please do not forget to cancel your booking, to provide a courtesy for other member to use the court.

How to cancel? Log in > Booking > View My Booking > Select the date and click Cancel.



Members can book online through the club’s website (sign-in required):

Upon making the online booking, you will receive a unique PIN code to unlock the gate for the specific time booked.
Instructions: Press the PIN code, followed by the padlock button.



Please observe the following rules when booking and using the courts:

  • PCTC has Code of Conduct. For details please visit here.
  • If you are coaching someone on court, please review and adhere to the Coaching Policy. For details visit here.
  • Only book as needed to allow other members opportunity to use the court.
  • We understand sometimes plan may change. Should you no longer need the court, please cancel your booking (even at the last minute) to let other members use the court.
  • Each member is allowed to bring one non-member guest.
  • If you are asked to show proof of membership, please kindly cooperate and do not be offended. Your membership details on the website (sign-in required) can be used as proof.
  • Please ensure to close the gate when you finish.

Note: Breach of the rules may result in members or non-members/guests being asked to vacate the court and/or a cancellation of membership and access rights revoked.


For the moment, Webster Street club courts (Court 1 - Court 5) are unavailable for hire to visitors.

Webster Street Public Courts 6 and 7 are fitted with the latest Book-a-Court technology and available for public to book.

Please click here to book. PlayTennis account (free to register) is required to make booking. Follow the instruction to book, use the provided PIN to access and enjoy.