Social Tennis

We trust that you will enjoy lots of opportunities to enjoy tennis and all the benefits associated with this great club. The access fob you are given gets you into the courts and clubhouse.  While we don’t operate a formal court booking system, members are aware of when courts are available for social play and make their own arrangements.  The following schedule shows when courts are formally committed to various activities and therefore when they are free for a social hit.   

Please also note that the coach holds clinics for juniors and some events may mean courts are not always available.  Of an evening, the courts can be lit, but If lights are used they must be turned off at 11pm. 



(a)        (i) All persons playing on courts to wear approved tennis attire; 

             (ii) Courts must be bagged and watered (courts 5/6) from fence to fence before and after each set; 

             (iii) Children are not permitted on courts 


(b) (i)No court shall be monopolised by two players when four handed games are possible and desired by any members present and four players shall not occupy a court for more than a maximum of twenty-five (25) minutes or first to eight games; 

(c) The courts shall be open to play daily subject to the permits granted by the General Management Committee 

(d) The use of balls shall be determined by the General Management Committee.  Balls shall be issued by an officer appointed by the General Management Committee 

(e) Grievances by any member should be directed to the President for consideration by the General Management 

(f) When teams entered by the Association in official competition are using the courts or tournaments are being conducted by the Association, the following shall apply:- 

           (i) All courts shall be available for such use from the official starting time of such events until play has concluded; 

          (ii) At the conclusion of such play the courts will be available for general play. 

          (iii) If circumstances arise at any other time the General Management Committee members present may restrict the use of the courts by general members whenever they deem it essential in the best interests of the Association.