We are an association under the Associations Incorporation Act 2009.
Our current committee
President: Ed Leite
Vice President: Prue Viggers OAM
Secretary: Vacant
Treasurer: Nigel Bull
Committe members: Geoff Crowe, Gina Hanson, Alex Spathis
Our Constitution
Under the Constitution our role is to promote the use of and enjoyment of our courts by members and the public by:
- maintaining the club house, courts and precinct for the use of members and the public
- encouraging young people to play tennis, and
- providing the services of a tennis coach for members and the public.
For a copy of the Constitution, email us.
Member protection
As a club affiliated with Tennis NSW, we have adopted the Tennis Australia Member Protection Policy. The policy ensures all individuals involved in tennis can enjoy a safe and positive experience at all times. This includes our Newcastle Hill members and community.
We have a Member Protection Information Officer (MPIO) as required by the policy.
The MPIO is who you contact if feeling unsafe or have a concern when using our facilities. The MPIO listens and then directs the issue to the most appropriate person to handle the matter. All matters are confidential.
Our committee and our Coach have current Working with Children Checks.
Grants we have received
We value the funding and support the NSW Government and City of Newcastle have given the club.
May 2024 - NSW Government's Local Sport Grant Program 2023-24 - used to buy the Super Sopper that keeps our courts playable after rain.
February 2024 - City of Newcastle - helped fund a new ceiling and wall panels in our clubhouse. We previously painted the exterior and installed new guttering from a grant received from City of Newcastle as part of their Recreation Facilities Grants 2022/23. Our clubhouse was built before WWII.
May 2021 - City of Newcastle - helped fund the resurfacing of court 5.