Lighting Upgrade Completed
Sat, 28 Nov 2020 00:00
Murrumbateman Tennis Club's LED lighting upgrade project has been completed ahead of schedule, providing an oustanding night time playing venue for members and visitors in the summer months ahead. The upgrade was made possible by an $80,000 grant from the NSW Governments Stronger Country Communities Fund (Round 3). Design and installation was carried out by Power by Watts, an electrical contractor specialising in sports lighting based in Moss Vale.
The project involved removing the old metal-halide lights, installing new galvanised poles, replacing all existing electrical cabling, installing 4 sets of LED light panels per pole, and replacing the existing switchbox incorporating a remote access facility. The new system provides club competition standard lighting on all three courts.
Initial feedback from our night time social players has been very positive. The club is quite confident that the improved lighting will encourage increased use of the facility by the local community. The upgraded facility will by officially commmisioned by the Member for Goulburn Mrs Wendy Tuckerman MP at an event from 6-7pm on Saturday 5th December. All welcome!