Resurfacing Project Complete
Thu, 01 Dec 2022 00:00
A major court resurfacing project was completed in November 2022 thanks to a $130,000 from the Regional Sports Facility Fund by the NSW Government. Murrumbateman Tennis Club was one among 41 regional NSW organisations to share in more than $24 million for new and upgraded sports facilities in Round 2 of the Fund.
Member for Goulburn Wendy Tuckerman joined Minister for Sport Alister Henskens and Murrumbateman Tennis to mark the completion of the project. The funding has enabled Murrumbateman Tennis Club to purchase and install a new synthetic grass surface. “The surface badly needed a refresh to go alongside the club’s recent lighting upgrade. The new surface provides better playing conditions, as well as improved safety for members, volunteers and visitors of Murrumbateman Tennis Club,” Mrs Tuckerman said.
Minister Henskens said the NSW Government recognises the critical role local sport infrastructure plays in keeping communities healthy, active and connected. “The Fund focuses on the support the development of well-designed and utilised new and improved sport infrastructure projects that can directly impact and support participation and performance opportunities in sports at all levels,” Minister Henskens said.
Murrumbateman Tennis Club President, Natasha Amerasinghe said the funding was a welcome boost for the tennis club and Murrumbateman community. “The facility’s playing surface was in a pretty rough condition after 15 years of continuous use and assistance from the Regional Sports Facility Fund allowed Murrumbateman Tennis Club to replace it with a new and improved surface. Raising the funds for large capital improvements such as this is a challenge to the Murrumbateman Tennis Club and it would have been impossible for us to fundraise the entire amount needed. So the NSW Government’s support has really contributed to the ongoing sustainability of the club, while also ensuring the growth of the sport in our region.”
The upgraded surface has already received great reviews from club members and visitors. All work was carried out by Sydney based contractor All Grass Sporting Surfaces. It included construction of a tree root barrier, addition of a cement slurry top layer over the existing roadbase, and installation of a TigerTurf Advantage synthetic grass surface. The project was incredibly challenging due to the La Nina weather event that occurred between July and November 2022 which brought frequent, heavy and extensive rainfall.