Mordialloc Tennis Club offers a variety of competitions from mid week and social tennis through to weekend pennant and bayside competitions.
Senior Competition
Tuesday – Ladies Mid-week competition doubles
Saturday – Bayside Competition 1:00pm to 5:00pm summer and winter.
Junior Competition
The club participates in Junior competition on Sat and Sun mornings.
Saturday AM
The Saturday am comp is conducted by Moorabbin and Districts Junior Tennis Association (http://www.mdjta.com.au/)
The current ladder is http://www.trols.org.au/mdjta/ladders.php
Sunday AM
The Sunday am comp is conducted by Bayside Junior Tennis Association (http://www.baysidetennis.asn.au/)
The current ladder is http://www.trols.org.au/brta/ladders.php
Thursday Night Mixed
This competition is a night competition starting at 7.00 pm that runs between early February to early June, and between late July to early December (with breaks for school holidays) (about 16 weeks plus finals). Teams are put together in January and early July for the coming season. If you are interested in playing, or even filling in sometimes contact morditc.secretary@gmail.com
Cost $10.00 members and $15.00 non members, drinks at bar prices, a light supper is also provided.
Wednesday Night Mixed
If you like to exercise, love socialising and having a cup of coffee or tea at the end of your activity, then please register and come along on your own, or with friends, to enjoy a social hit of tennis, a chat with friends, and the chance to meet new people.
Open to members and the whole community, social tennis is perfect for anyone who has not played much tennis before, or who is interested in getting back into it.
No long term commitments are required and you can attend on a week-by-week basis and enjoy match play suited to your abilities.
The first few sessions will be offered FREE and thereafter a small fee will apply.
To join in, all you need to do is:
- Register weekly on-line, there is no ongoing registration commitment.
- Bring your racquet (we will provide balls), bring your friends, and enjoy your hit!
- Wear sneakers suitable for playing on our en-tout-cas surface.