Become a member for the 2024- 2025 financial year and support the development of tennis in Manjimup.
Adult Membership $180
Family Membership (Max 2 adults & children) $400
Junior Membership (10-17yrs) $60
Sub-Junior Membership (3-10yrs) $30
Social Membership $30
Junior Membership
01/01/2025 - 31/10/2025
Membership for players aged 11-17 yrs old. Able to book courts during the day for free, participate in all social tennis activities for free at the club for the 9 months (Feb 25-Nov25). Reduced ball fees & lights fees apply.
Eligibility: 11-17 yr old
Sub-junior Membership
01/01/2025 - 31/10/2025
Membership for players aged 10yrs and under. Able to participate in all tennis activities offered by the club for the age group.
Eligibility: 10yrs & under