Become a Member

Become a member for the 2024- 2025 financial year and support the development of tennis in Manjimup.

Adult Membership $180
Family Membership (Max 2 adults & children) $400
Junior Membership (10-17yrs) $60
Sub-Junior Membership (3-10yrs) $30
Social​ Membership $30




Adult Membership

01/01/2025 - 31/10/2025

Adult membership allows you to participate in all tennis activities, free court hire for 9 months (18 February-31 October) able to be booked online, reduced Ball fees & lights booking fee.

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Family Membership

01/01/2025 - 31/10/2025

Family Membership is for 2 adults and juniors/sub-juniors who live in the same household for the 9months (Feb25-Nov25) with the same benefits of those individual memberships.

Eligibility: Maximum of 2 adult members included in this package.

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