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News from our President

Good afternoon. We are getting into the depths of Winter, but have been able to get on court  most Thursdays and Saturdays. Our numbers are fluctuating as some lucky members have been able to travel north, but we are still using two to three courts at a time.  I have listed below a number of events coming up.

1. You may be aware that we have a Defib machine at the Club and we are organising a demonstration as to how to use it effectively. This will be at the Clubhouse next Thursday the 23rd at around 11.30 after Tennis.The Demonstration will still be held if the weather is too inclement to play tennis. I would encourage as many members as possible to come along as you may be in a situation where you will need this information. I would like to thank one of our members,Jenny Furness, for giving of her time to do the demonstration.

2. The end of the financial year is approaching, and we are in need of a qualified accountant to audit our books. If we have any members who are able to take this on we would love to hear from you. I would also like to take this opportunity to thank Carol and Gavan Conroy for the work that they have done in this area over many years, and for organising their son Chris to do the audit.

3. Big Dreams Project. We have been working on our plan to take Tennis to the local schools , and will be contacting them in the first week of the next term with the view to have it up and running in the final term.  We are also working to put into place protocols to ensure Ironbark Tennis Club is a child safe environment. More on that in the next newsletter.

4. Finally, we applied for a grant from Tennis Vic as part of their " Venue Improvement Grants" but unfortunately missed out. There will be other opportunities and we will make sure that we keep applying.

That's all for now, stay active, stay warm and don't forget Tennis can be played all year round.




Ironbark Tennis Club