
See our Competition pages for current ladders and fixtures of our teams:

Senior Competition

Junior Competition


Any member who wishes to play competition tennis should contact the co-ordinators listed below for details.

Autumn season runs Feb -> June , Spring season runs July -> November

Competition Entry forms can be downloaded here: Competition Form

Entry fees can be paid direct into club bank account

BSB 633000

A/C 151297702

This is the preferred method.

Should you choose this option please leave name and notation ie. smith comp.


HDTA Tuesday Ladies (9.30am-3.00pm)

Pauline Stubbs on 9435 6809


DVTA/NENTG Mens, Ladies & Mixed Night Comps

Justin Arnold -  email:


NEJTA Juniors Saturday morning & DVTA Friday evening (age 18 and under)

Anita Rawlinson  - email:

Where to find us

Grace Valley Tennis Club
63-67 Plenty Lane GREENSBOROUGH Victoria 3088