
During March 1979, a meeting was held in the Diamond Valley Shire Office to organise a tennis club in the Grace Park area. After several meetings with interested parties, local residents and shire councilors it was decided that the Central Parkland would make an ideal site. The vacant ‘bushland’ was cleared to make way for an oval, tennis club, fitness and recreational area with BBQ facilities. A meeting was held in June 1979, attended by approximately 60 local residents and from this group the first Committee was formed.
Our first President was Mr Ron Anderson. Meetings were held on a monthly basis where discussions centred around the building of courts, clubhouse and the acquisition of equipment for future use. Membership applications were called for and at July 1979, membership stood at 67 families comprising of 119 seniors and 75 juniors. A co-operative was formed in August 1979 in order to borrow money to assist with the building of the clubhouse, the cost of which was $45,184.00. The Diamond Valley Shire allocated $27,000.00, the balance to be raised by encouraging members to buy $30 shares to be used to secure a co-operative loan. Enquiries were made by Mr Daryl Claffey and Mrs Faye Bennett into the prospects of play for the future.
The club affiliated with the Diamond Valley Tennis Association (DVTA) for the purpose of playing mid-week ladies, Saturday morning juniors and Saturday afternoon senior mixed competitions. Members were asked to submit suggestions for a club name and Grace Valley Tennis Club was adopted. On the 2nd of March 1980, the courts were finally ready and were opened by councilor Bob Fell and Pauline Toner. The committee bagged, watered and rolled the courts on a roster basis for six weeks in order to guarantee a long life for the courts. The club first affiliated with the Heidelberg & District Tennis Association (H&DTA) Tuesday ladies competition in the 1985 autumn competition. The lights were installed in May, 1987. We have been playing ever since!