What is Book-a-Court?
Book a Court is an online court booking and payment system. It allows club members to book a court online for a particular time.
It also allows members of the community to book a court for a small fee.
How does Book-a-Court work?
When someone books a court online, they are sent a unique 4-digit PIN via text and/or email, which must be entered into the pin pad on the gage. This will open the gate at that particular time. It will also turn the lights on.
Who can book courts?
Club members are able to book and use the courts for free.
Members of the public can book the courts for a small fee.
What does it cost to book a court?
It is free for members to book a court.
For members of the community it costs $10 for
How long can I book a court for?
For as long that is avaliable during 7am and 10pm.
When can courts be booked?
The courts can be booked from 7am to 10pm.
How many times can I book a court?
As many times as you want if avaliable.
When does my pin code work?
Your pin code will activate the gate and the lights, if playing at night, when you have booked a court online. Your pin code will activate the gate up to 15 minutes before your booking time, and up to 15 minutes after your booking time ends.
How do I know if my booking is confirmed?
When a successful boooking is made, a person will receive a text and/or email confirmation with their pin code and additional information.
How do I open the gate?
At your allocated booking time, enter your 4 digit pin followed by #.
The gate is located on the left hand side of the club rooms.
How do I switch the lights on?
The lights will automatically switch on whwen there is insufficient daylight. The lights will only be triggered if a valid pin has been entered at the gate. Therefore even if the gate is open (ie during coaching) a pin must be entered so the system recognises to switch the lights on at the correct time.
When will the lights switch off?
The lights automatically switch off 15 minutes after the booking period ends. This ensures that people can leave the club safely.