Offering professional tennis coaching for all ages.
Coach Info
My name is Jak Kerrigan and I am the Head Coach and Owner of Tiny Tots Tennis Ellenbrook.
A little about me;
I began tennis at a young age at Bayswater Tennis Club with my younger sister & brother with Tiny Tots State Manager, Anthony Harbrow as our coach. I remained in the program and also played competitive pennants for Bayswater Tennis Club until I was 16 years old then moved to men’s competition with Bayswater.
I attended Trinity College & played tennis all through junior & senior school and competed for the school in the first VIII tennis team. Whilst at school I began coaching at Bayswater Tennis Club at 15 years of age and worked with Anthony for 4 years before becoming Head Coach and Owner for Ellenbrook. Obviously young I do have great support from Anthony & my family.
I have begun a Bachelor of Commerce at Curtin University but currently deferred my studies to focus on my Ellenbrook Tiny Tots Tennis. I enjoy being outdoors with the kids and get great reward seeing them develop & love their tennis.
I have obtained my Junior Development Coaching Course through Tennis Australia and hold a current First Aid Certificate and Working with Children's Clearance.
Contact Details
Name: Jak Kerrigan
Mobile: 0423 677 435
Email: jak.tinytotstennis@westnet.com.au
Mailing List
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