

Tennis Update - 1st of July 2020

Covid-19 Information

Please refer to the Covid Information page on our site for all covid-19 related information - hygiene, guidance for competition players, and a link to the current Tennis Victoria guidelines.  This is also the page to refer opposition captains/players to before they come to our club. 

Social Tennis

Since we are now allowed to open all our courts the committee is looking into removing the booking system, and returning to the 'normal' system of just showing up to play when you want to (as always, other than the times when competition or coaching are on).  The issue is we were using the booking system as the contact tracing system as well, so now we're preparing a standalone contact tracing system, covering anyone who comes into our venue.

So for now, the current booking system still applies;

All social tennis sessions are still at various flexible times through the day, and need to be booked by phone - members can book by calling Laurie Sparks on 0427 830 163‬ between 9am and 7pm.   Non-members can be included the social tennis session bookings, if the booking includes members and the members make sure the non-member follows the guidelines.  Unfortunately we still cannot offer public court hire at this stage. 

Major Projects

New Courts

This is still in the tendering stage.  The expected completion is still December 2020.


New Clubhouse

Based on last year's member survey, and lots of discussions with members and committee since then, updating the club's bathrooms has been highlighted as a high priority issue.  The committee sought advice from council about renovating the bathrooms, and it was determined that there is not enough space in the current layout to renovate the bathrooms to meet the current building standards and to get the bathrooms more accessible (e.g. for wheelchair users).  Major structural works would need to take place.  Council have indicated that they would not consider trying to upgrade the current bathrooms for this reason, and instead they've suggested we look into getting a brand new clubhouse built.

So it's very early days, but we're looking into various layouts and concepts that might potentially suit our site.  We want to get maximum use of the natural light, have great views of our lovely surroundings and as many of our courts (including the new courts) as possible, and have fully accessible facilities including bathrooms/toilets.

If anyone wants to be involved please contact Jeremy on 0415 412 123. 

Competition Tennis

Tennis Victoria

Tennis Victoria released a statement yesterday (30th June 2020) relating to the issue of hot spot areas around Melbourne.   

Main points;

"As you will be aware, the Victorian Government has today announced that some Melbourne Suburbs have been declared COVID-19 ‘Hot Zones’ and Stage 3 Stay at Home Restrictions are to be enacted once again from 11.59pm 1 July 2020.  Postcode areas classed as ‘Hot Zones’ are: 3038, 3064, 3047, 3060, 3012, 3032, 3055, 3042, 3021, 3046."


"Tennis Victoria is seeking further clarity from Government about the impact of this statement for Tennis Clubs, coaching and community competition in these areas.  As soon as further information is available we will be in touch directly with clubs, coaches and associations who may be affected.  We will also liaise with local government to ensure alignment with policy at a local level."


Tennis Associations

Please note all the future dates listed below are subject to change.

NEJTA - Saturday morning boys, girls, and mixed ;

  • Spring season expected to start 15th August 2020


NENTG - Tuesday night mens; 

  • Spring season expected to start Tuesday 4th August 2020


NENTG - Wednesday night ladies;

  • Spring season expected to start Wednesday 5th August 2020


HDTA - Tuesday morning ladies;

  • Autumn season expected to resume Tuesday 28th of July 2020


MMTA - Thursday afternoon mixed;

  • Spring season expected to start sometime in September (exact date TBD)


DVTA - Monday night mixed, Thursday morning ladies, Thursday night mens, Friday night juniors;

  • Autumn season resumed Monday 22nd June 2020
  • Spring season expected to start Monday 24th August 2020


Nillumbik Shire Council


The council have allowed us to use all our courts as long as we are strictly following the Tennis Victoria Return to Tennis health guidelines, which now include using the courts for competition tennis (as of 22nd June 2020). 


The current situation stands for the moment - for competition and coaching only, single toilet use (one cubicle in the ladies' bathroom) .

The council's most recent guidelines don't specifically mention toilets, so we have asked for clarification.  However many cubicles we'll be able to use, there will be stringent cleaning requirements, including that all touched surfaces are to be cleaned and disinfected at least daily.


The current situation stands for the moment (see update below) - clubhouse not in use other than single toilet use for comp and coaching, and for turning the court lights on and off.

The council have now released guidelines for clubhouse use.  There are still a few issues that require clarification, but essentially, if we choose to, we'd be allowed to have up to 20 people in our clubhouse, in groups of up to 10, no more than 1 person per 4m2 and 1.5m apart from each other.  The kitchen will either be completely unavailable or partially available (this in one of the clarifications we're asked for).   

The committee are working on clarifying the few issues identified above, and also looking at the safety and cleaning issues.  Stay tuned.