

Tennis Update - 9th of September 2020

Social and Competition Tennis

Sadly no social tennis is possible at the moment, and all competitions are on hold due to the pandemic.  Tennis Victoria are working with the State Government to determine when we'll be able to open up again based on the recently announced roadmap, and members will hear when there's an outcome.  It's unlikely we'll get any play in the next few weeks, but everyone's hopeful for some on-court action in the sun shortly after that.  Stay tuned.  

Membership Fees

Membership fees are now due for 2020/21 and you are welcome to pay if you haven't already, but since we are unable to play tennis, and it's uncertain when we'll be back, it's understandable if you're waiting to see how it goes.  Thanks to everyone who has already paid, it is much appreciated.  As mentioned at the AGM, when we know much time the courts have been unavailable due to the pandemic, the Committee will look at options for refunding or compensating paid-up members for that time.  If in the meantime you are experiencing financial difficulties please contact Jarno Jansen (0400 192 285) and he will be happy to discuss your options. 

Major Projects

New Courts (live project)

A builder has been appointed (TurfOne) and work is expected to begin next week.  The photo above is of the first step in the build - pegging out.  The pegged-out area covers a larger area than will be used for the courts because they've allowed for working space.  Weekly updates and photos will be on this website and available through Instagram and Facebook.  The expected completion is still December 2020.  Imagine being able to have a hit on the new blue hard courts in the morning, then watching the AusOpen in the afternoon next January! 

If you have any questions about the project please call Jeremy on 0415 412 123 during business hours. 


New Clubhouse (potential project)

It's very early days, but we've formed some working groups to look into various layouts and concepts that might potentially suit our site, and also looking in detail at the kitchen and bathroom requirements.  We have a member who is a retired architect, and he's generously put his hand up to help pull the requirements/concepts together for us.   

We want to get maximum use of the natural light, have great views of our lovely surroundings and as many of our courts (including the new courts) as possible, and have fully accessible facilities including bathrooms/toilets.

The idea is to get a concept plan together and then go back to Council (our landlords) for review.  Once we have agreement on the concept we can go looking for money to pay for it.  

If anyone else wants to be involved, or wants to share their thoughts (positive, negative, ideas - anything) about this potential project, please contact Jeremy on 0415 412 123.