Midweek Competition

Our Midweek Women’s Tennis teams play on the following days:-

  • Tuesdays       MEMRLTA   
  • Wednesdays  EDWTA         
  • Thursdays     WDTA           

The team consists of 4 players who rotate playing with each other in doubles throughout the day. Most teams will have 5 or 6 regular team members and rotate everyone thoughout the season. Competition is not played during school breaks and public holidays.

There are 2 seasons per year and the starting dates of the competitions will be dependent on which Association your team is playing in.

If you are interested in becoming a member with an established team, becoming an emergency for any of the teams or you have a new team, please let us know so that we can help organise the correct playing level, day and format that best suits yourself or your group. Email: admin@eastmalverntc.com.au or phone: 0477 858 854

Midweek Men’s Tennis is played on Wednesdays.

Waverley Tennis are keen to grow this men’s interclub competition and give more players an opportunity to participate.

If you would like more information/interested in playing, please contact Sarah admin@eastmalverntc.com.au