
Cranross has both Adult competition teams in NEJTA and NENTG associations.



The  club has 4 teams playing in the North Eastern Night Tennis Group, 2 ladies teams and 2 mens team.  
There are 2 seasons each year,  Autumn and Spring.
The seasons are played during school terms.  There is no competition on school holidays or long weekends.
Teams are made up of 4-6 players (minimum 4 players needed).

Competition night is Tuesday night at 7pm for the mens and Wednesday night for the ladies.  
There is also a Thursday night mixed team competition.

If you would like to enter a team please contact the Secretary on 0402 380 950.  

For all enquiries please email the club at



The club offers Seniors social play Mondays and Wednesdays from 9am to 12 (approx).
There is also seniors social play on Saturday afternoons 1.30-5pm.
The seniors welcome new players and there is no obligation to attend every week!
Join them for social tennis and a cup of tea or coffee!

For all enquiries regarding joining the Seniors social groups email