Tennis Geelong senior Saturday pennant

The senior pennant competition is held on Saturday afternoons, it is a graded competition organised by Tennis Geelong in which Clifton Springs enter teams into both Winter and Summer seasons.
The Summer season runs in conjuction with terms 4 and 1 of school term and the Winter season runs in conjuntion with terms 2 and 3 of school, with breaks during school holidays.
Matches are played at various locations on Saturday afternoons at 1.00pm, although times may vary depending on teams entered, and are played all around the Geelong region.
There are three formats for Tennis Geelong Senior Competition:
Open format:
- Open to all genders
- Both singles and doubles are played (individual players can elect to play singles only, singles & doubles or doubles only)
- Teams are a minimum of 3 players, but up to a maximum of 6 players could play each week
- Both the singles and doubles rubbers are a best of 2 (6 game) sets with a 10 point super tiebreak in the event of it being 1 set each
- A total of 4 x 2 set rubbers are played for the day
Men's format:
- Mimimum of 4 men, but up to a maximum of 6 players could play each week
- All doubles sets
- A total of 6 sets are played for the day, with each player playing 3 sets each (for teams of 4 players)
Mixed format:
- Mimimum of 2 men and 2 women, but up to a maximum of 6 players could play each week (3 men, 3 women)
- All doubles sets
- A total of 6 sets are played for the day, with each player playing 3 sets each (for teams of 4 players)
For more information contact the Senior Coordinator: