Night Tennis at Clifton Springs

Night tennis is played on the two synthetic grass courts and the two Plexicushion court under our LED court lights.
The night tennis is a non-graded in house competition for club members. It starts at 7:00pm and the competition runs in conjunction with the school terms.
Night tennis provides the opportunity for players of all levels to enjoy both the competitive and social aspects of club tennis.
If you would like to play as a regular player or to put your name down as an emergency please contact the night tennis coordinator below:
Monday night mixed competition
Monday nights are a casual mixed competition for members which run for the school term, you can sign up for a single term, or list yourself as an emergency if you can't committ to the whole term.
Members pay just $8 per session.
Contact Sally to join the Monday night in-house competition: 0409 197 601 or
Tuesday night men’s competition
Tuesday night is a casual men's competiation for members which run for the school term, you can sign up for a single term, or list yourself as an emergency if you can't commit to the whole term.
Members pay just $8 per session.
Contact Greg to join the men's competition: 0430 295 149
Wednesday night mixed competition
Wednesday nights are a casual mixed competition for members which run for the school term. The sessions are run on a week by week program, you can sign up for a single night or a term.
Members pay just $8 per session.
Contact Julie to join the contact list: or 0417 015 742