
Carlton Gardens Tennis Club (CGTC) is affiliated with Tennis Victoria. The club and Members derive benefits, such as accident insurance and directors liability insurance from this affiliation. 

All personal information collected by the club and Tennis Victoria is done in accordance with the National Privacy Principles contained in the Privacy Act 1988.

Administration of the Club is done by volunteers. We therefore utilise the technology developed and maintained by ClubSpark (and through our liaison with Tennis Victoria) to make it easier to manage and maintain our membership databases and to provide an online book a court system.

To enable access to the membership and book a court features, you will be required to set up a ClubSpark account. ClubSpark securely stores the account information of our members in order to provide a payment pathway for membership subscriptions and provides court access via a unique gate PIN when booking a court.

Should you have any further questions regarding the ClubSpark platform, please contact

Carlton Gardens Tennis Club will not directly share, sell or rent individual personal information without your advance permission or unless ordered by the court of law.  Information submitted to us is used by  club committee members and authorised club members, for purposes of administering the Club, contacting you or sending emails relating to club news and activities. 

The club utilises Tennis Australia's platform - ClubSpark - for the purposes of administering club memberships and court bookings. Members are encouraged to create a ClubSpark account to manage their personal details and settings within these systems. There are instances where our affiliation to Tennis Victoria requires member information to be provided to them. The Club has no control on how they then use this information.