CGTC By-Laws

Version: Adopted by Committee on 19 November 2021


The Carlton Gardens Tennis Club Inc is an incorporated association under the Associations Incorporation Act 1981 which is complemented by Regulations. The Constitution provides a set of Rules for the legal and orderly conduct of the Association subject to the Act and the Regulations. Rule 20 determines that the elected committee of management has the power “to perform all such acts and things as appear to be essential for the proper management of the business and affairs of the Association”. The issue of these By-laws is an exercise of that power.

The Association is hereinafter referred to as “the Club” and its elected committee of management as “the Committee”.

If the Committee is of the opinion that a member has refused or neglected to comply with the Rules of the Club or its By-laws, or has been guilty of conduct unbecoming a member or prejudicial to the interests of the Club, the Committee may fine that member or suspend that member from membership or expel that member from the Club.

1. CONTROL: The Committee, its employees, agents and contractors control the supervision of the courts and the clubhouse at all times.  Instructions issued by personnel acting as court supervisors shall be obeyed in a courteous manner. Members and their guests must behave in a friendly manner to help promote social harmony.

2. MEMBERSHIP: The process for applying for membership, the membership categories and the fee structure will be set by the Committee from time to time and published to the members.  A member who fails to pay the renewal fee within 14 days of a reminder notice being sent to the contact details contained in the Club’s membership records may not be reminded again and the Committee may exercise its discretion to terminate the membership.

3. COURT HIRE FEES: The court hire fees applicable to members and the general public will be set by the Committee from time to time, which also forms part of these by laws. The courts are reserved for members at specific times of the week for social tennis (“club sessions”). The Committee may reserve courts for organised tennis sessions and coaching. A member can play free of charge for court hire at other times, subject to court bookings and the payment of fees for court lights. When a member shares the use of a court with non-member/s, the non-member/s are required to pay on a pro rata basis.  For example, if a member and three non-members use a court, the member plays free of charge and the non-members pay three-quarters of the court hire fees applicable to the general public.

4. SAFETY: Members and guests using the club need to inspect and be aware of the condition of the courts and equipment prior to play and act accordingly.  This is especially relevant with wet and inclement weather conditions where injury risks are higher. Players use the Club and play at their own risk.

5. COURT BOOKINGS: Court availability and use will be determined by the Committee from time to time.  A court booking should be made through the Club’s internet based system requiring the entry of the member’s name and telephone number and payment, or through a court supervisor when appropriate.

6. RESPONSIBILITY FOR NON-MEMBERS (GUESTS): A member who brings guests to the courts and the clubhouse is responsible for their behaviour.  Members have a special responsibility for collecting money payable by guests when the courts are unattended by a court supervisor.  The online booking system provides an easy and transparent way for guests to pay their share of the court hire. Any member who is unfamiliar with this process should speak to a committee member.

7. ACCESS: Inside clubhouse access keys will generally only be issued to committee members and organisers of the organised social tennis competitions.  Keys are issued at the discretion of the committee.

8. OUT OF HOURS ACCESS TO CLUBHOUSE: Access to the clubhouse when unattended by a court supervisor is only allowed by committee consent.  Access to the clubhouse at such times requires the member being allocated a security PIN and the arming of the security alarm system on departure.

9. ACCESS TO COURT LIGHTS: Members are not allowed to use court lighting other than when the courts are attended by a court supervisor or as part of organised social tennis.

10. SHARING ACCESS TO COURTS: Singles play is not allowed during club sessions if others are waiting to play. Similarly, the use of courts during club sessions shall be shared with a change of players after each set. Play shall cease when a pair scores 6 games (i.e. no tie breakers) if others are waiting.

11. DRESS AND ID: Members and their guests shall dress in sporting attire which is in keeping with the Club’s promotion of the courts and the clubhouse as a highly presentable community facility.  When at the courts, members must produce, upon reasonable request, a form of identification.

12. SHOES: All players must wear appropriate flat-soled tennis shoes to help protect court surfaces.  Other shoe types likely to cause damage to court surfaces, in particular “cross trainers” and those with hard-edged soles, are not permitted on the Courts.

13. COURT CARE: Members shall assist by keeping the courts clear of litter which shall be placed in the rubbish bins provided.

14. FOOD AND DRINK: For safety reasons glass shall not be used around the court playing surfaces including court surrounds.  Food is not to be consumed in the courts area.

15. NO SMOKING: Smoking is not permitted anywhere within the Club internal and external areas.

16. ADVANCE PAYMENT: All fees for the hire of courts, racquets and tennis balls, or for any other service provided by the Club, are payable in advance.

17. CLUBHOUSE: If unlocked, members are allowed access to clubhouse amenities free of charge, including use of the electric BBQ.  The clubhouse and BBQ are to be left in a clean and tidy state after use.  Members are responsible for making good any damage, loss or breakage as the result of their use, including participation by guests. The use of the clubhouse for social functions is a matter for agreement in advance with the Committee which may require a letter setting out details of the request. Only in exceptional circumstances will the Committee approve the use of the clubhouse for a social function without tennis participation.

18. ABSENCE: A member absent long term should apply for the membership to be suspended to avoid having to pay another joining fee. Subscriptions are not refundable. Only in exceptional circumstances would the Committee approve suspension for an absence of less than 6 months duration.

19. TENNIS VICTORIA AFFILIATION: The Club pays an annual affiliation fee to Tennis Victoria. This affiliation has various Club and member benefits organised and provided by Tennis Victoria from time to time. Access to these individual benefits may require Club members to register on the Tennis Victoria system. Non-registration on their system may result in access being denied to some of these benefits. The Club does not take any responsibility for member registration or guarantee access to Tennis Victoria benefits.

20. BEHAVIOUR: Members and guests of the Club are expected to treat other members and guests with courtesy and respect.  The Club is primarily a social club which promotes an inclusive attitude, especially on member days and during organised tennis times.  The principles of tennis etiquette are to be upheld at all times.  Members are encouraged to report any grievances to the Committee in writing. Most work and organisation at the Club is undertaken by volunteers who give their time freely. They should be approached and treated with courtesy and respect, at an appropriate time and in an appropriate way.

The Club will not tolerate bullying or aggressive behaviour towards volunteers.

21. DISCIPLINARY PROCEDURE:  The Committee has the power to discipline, suspend, and expel members as per the Rules of the association.  The following guidelines will be used in circumstances where disciplinary action becomes necessary:

a) a member may complain about another members behaviour in writing (or email) to the President, or the committee can by agreement discuss a member who is generally believed to be exhibiting behaviour that is not acceptable.

b) the President will bring the matter up with the Committee

c) the Committee will consider and if sought fit will write to the member in question reminding them of the by-laws and purpose of the club, and the expected level of behaviour

d) if the members behaviour does not change to meet the Committees expectations, then the Committee will write a further letter giving them notice that the committee is considering escalating the matter in accordance with the Rules of the Association.

e) if the members behaviour still does not change to meet the Committees expectations, then the committee may suspend or expel the member following a resolution and the process as set out in accordance with the Rules of the Association.

2.PRIVACY:Carlton Gardens Tennis Club willnotdirectlyshare, sellor rent individual personal informationwithout your advance permission or unless ordered by the court of law. Information submitted to us isused byclub committee members and authorised club members, for purposes ofadministering the Club,contacting you or sending you mail (and email) relating to club news and activities.

Endorsed by the Committee 14 November 2021