1. Campbell Tennis Club subscribes to the Safeguarding Children Guidelines issued by Tennis Australia. They can be consulted on the Tennis Australia website at
2. The Club maintains a register of all members who are in contact with potentially vulnerable people. This includes the whole committee, the coaches and parents involved in Junior Pennant. All these people are already certified or have applied for certification to work with vulnerable people.
3. The Club asks all parents involved to apply for certification
4. The Club has appointed a Member Protection Information Officer who currently is Maryanne Larkin at 0448823936
5. The Club provides each Junior Pennant team manager with a copy of this policy statement and asks them to pass copies on to parents of children in their team.
6. The Policy is posted in the Clubhouse and on the Club’s website
7. In the event of an actual or suspected incident the Club has established a process by which the incident is first reported to the pennant team manager, then to the Head Coach (Dan Fraser) and to the Member Protection Information Officer. If necessary it is then discussed by the whole Club Committee.