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Social Tennis

Monday night – Kate Bender 0413 801 651

Tuesday morning – Kerrie Crane 0412 364 880


Term Based Social Competition/Club Championships/Palerang Cup
Kate Bender
0413 801 651


Canberra Tennis League Co-ord:

Juniors - David Pajaczkowski m: 0424 295 634

Adults - Keith Bender m: 0412 698 718


Work Health & Safety/Member Protection Information Officer 

Lynne Butson m: 0438 274 938


Maintenance Coordinator
Rob Breust


Rising Star Tennis Academy - Head Coach
David Pajaczkowski


CLUB COMMITTEE (click on the Committee  menu item at the top left of your screen for information about your club committee, when it meets and for minutes of previous committee meetings.


Where to find us

Bungendore Park Tennis Club
Butmaroo Street Bungendore New South Wales 2621