
Upper court replacement

As announced at our recent AGM we are pleased to advise we are commencing a replacement of the top 4 courts (courts 1- 4) at the Club, with respected artificial turf and sports facility developer GrassSports appointed to undertake this exciting project.

These works will begin on the weekend of 14 - 15 September, and all going well with weather and other factors, conclude on the weekend of 5 - 6 October.

We have selected this period to ensure there is the least amount of disruption to our members, our competitions and our coaching programs. 

Along with the refurbishment of the courts, we are also taking this opportunity to install new nets and drink bubblers and improve landscaping surrounding the courts.

The maintenance of our playing surfaces is critical to the reputation of our club and the ongoing enjoyment of tennis for our members and guests.  

We will keep you updated on the progress of this project.  Any impact on competition or coaching will be communicated to you shortly by your contact in those areas.