Club Info & News
COMMITTEE (elected October 2024)
President: Colin Windeyer
Vice-President: Christopher Blaxland
Treasurer: Ross Doherty
Secretary: Susie Burnard
General Committee Members:
Jeff Moore, Graham (Joe) Martin
Public Officer: Colin Windeyer
The Committee currently meets on a monthly basis.
Constitution (Adopted 12 September 2023)
December 2024
A Christmas breakfast was held at the Clubhouse on the 17th December and was attended by approximately 39 members. Egg & bacon rolls were on offer, followed by a celebration for Barry Ling's 95th birthday. Barry is still an active tennis player as is Bundanoon's Ted Anderson who is also 95 years old. Thanks were given to Mark & Bev Steeden for their catering efforts and to John Adams and Alan Rumble for their organisation of social tennis on Tuesdays and Fridays. Despite the heat, many members present opted to play tennis after the breakfast.
Ted Anderson & Barry Ling on Court
Barry Ling Cuts his Birthday Cake
December 2024
A second defibrillator has been installed on our club courts. It is located on hard court no.6 on the fence at the southern end (i.e. the end adjacent to the grass courts). Click here for the link to the instruction video for the Heartsine 500P defibrillator. Please take time to watch it.