2024 Twilight Tennis

Our Twilight Tennis occurs twice a year, see the 2024 dates below. It is played weekly on a Wednesday with the courts open for a casual hit from 5pm, organised play starting at 6pm. The bar is open for the duration of the evening.

Each Wednesday we play approximately 5-6 rounds of Fast 4 Tennis. There is no need to register each week, just come the weeks you can play and matches are made up on the evening. After each Fast 4 set the pairs are rearranged across the courts for the next round.

This is open to players of all abilties, however at least basic serving and rallying skills will be highly advantageous.

2024 Dates

Feb 21- March 27

Oct 16 - Nov 27


Ball fees are $5 weekly for non-members (free for members)

Details of Play

Mixed Doubles Fast 4 Format - approx 5-6 rounds each evening.

Each round is a max of 4 games played, each player on the court serves one game. After each player has served a game the winner is the team with the most games. If it is a draw (2-2) a sudden death point is played to determine the winner.

After each round the pairs are mixed up, the winning team moves up a court and the pair splits to play against each other creating a new team with the losing team left from the previous game (this pair has also split). The team that loses on the top court must move to the bottom court and split.

The winners for the night are the pair that finish on the top court and win the final round.

Fast 4 specific rules:

- Sudden Death Deuces every game

- A let that lands in the service box must be played