Alcohol Policy

Purpose & Rational

This policy outlines our procedures for a balanced and responsible approach to the supply, consumption and promotion of alcohol at club training, games, special events, functions and other club-related activities. It represents our club’s commitment to its members, volunteers and visitors, and acknowledges the role that sporting clubs play in building strong and healthy communities.

This policy will help to ensure our club:

  • Meets its duty of care in relation to the health and safety of our members, volunteers and visitors who attend any club training, games,  special events, functions and other activities where alcohol may be consumed.
  • Upholds the reputation of our club, our sponsors and our partners.
  • Understands the risks associated with alcohol misuse and our role in minimising this risk.

While Albury Tennis Club does not sell alcohol, we acknowledge that alcohol may be consumed at club related events and activities including  meetings, after training or games, end of season/presentation functions, sponsors’ functions, trivia nights and other fundraising events. Our club may also hold functions at licensed venues, accordingly, the following requirements will apply to all members, volunteers and visitors where alcohol is consumed.

General Principles

Alcohol misuse can lead to risk taking, unsafe, unacceptable and/or illegal behaviour. Excessive consumption of alcohol will not be an excuse for unacceptable behaviour, particularly behaviour that endangers others or breaches the law, this policy or any other policy of our club.  A risk management approach will be taken in planning events and activities involving the supply or consumption of alcohol. Such events and activities will be conducted and managed in a manner consistent with liquor licensing legislation and this policy.

In addition, our club will promote additional services that are available to members to deal with
alcohol related issues if they arise.  Such avenues include encouraging the club member to:

  • Contact a local community health provider eg your local GP.
  • Visit the Alcohol & Drug Foundation’s ‘Help & Support’ section on the website

Conduct Expectations

Whilst engaging in club activities members, volunteers and visitors:

  • Will accept responsibility for their own behaviour, use good judgment and take a responsible approach when alcohol is available.
  • Will encourage and assist others to use good judgment when alcohol is available.
  • Will not compete, train, coach or officiate if affected by alcohol.
  • Will not provide, encourage or allow people aged under 18 years to consume alcohol.
  • Will not participate, pressure anyone or encourage excessive or rapid consumption of alcohol (including drinking competitions).
  • Will not provide alcohol only as an award to a player or official for any reason.
  • Will not post images on social media of themselves or others drinking alcohol irresponsibly at club-related activities.

Intoxicated People

For the purposes of this policy, a person is defined as being in a state of intoxication if his or her speech, balance, co-ordination or behaviour is noticeably affected and there are reasonable grounds  for believing that this is the result of the consumption of alcohol.

  • Intoxicated people will not be permitted to enter our club premises.
  • If a person becomes intoxicated (and is not putting other people at risk with their behaviour) the person will be provided with water and options for safe transport home, where available.
  • If a person becomes intoxicated (and is putting other people at risk due to their behaviour) the person will be asked to leave our club premises immediately and offered safe transport options, where available. Police may also be contacted to remove the person, if required.

Underage Drinking

Alcohol will not be provided to persons aged under 18 years.

Our club will discourage the drinking of alcohol in the club change-rooms to reduce the risk of minors being served alcohol illegally.

Availability of Non-Alcoholic and Low Alcohol Drinks

Our club recognises that not all club members may drink alcohol. Our club actively encourages venues we use for club activities and functions to have:

  1. Non-alcoholic and low alcohol drinks available and to provide drinking water free of charge (where available).
  2. Non-alcoholic drinks clearly visible and adequate in variety and supply.


Our club will encourage safe celebrations and events by:

  • Not conducting functions where a minimum amount of liquor sales is required.
  • Not promoting or hosting ‘all you can drink’ functions.
  • Not providing alcohol-only drink vouchers for functions.
  • Not including alcohol in the price of function tickets.

Advertisements for functions will promote safe celebrations by:

  • Not overemphasising the availability of alcohol or referring to the amount of alcohol available.
  • Not encouraging rapid drinking or excessive drinking.
  • Giving equal reference to the availability of non-alcoholic drinks.
  • Displaying a clear start and finish time for the function.
  • Including a safe transport message, where possible and relevant.

Safe Transport

Our club recognises that driving under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs is hazardous to individuals and the wider community. Accordingly, our club implements a Safe Transport Policy that is reviewed regularly in conjunction with this Alcohol Management Policy. We ask that all attendees at our functions plan their transport requirements to ensure they get home safely and avoid driving under the influence of alcohol.

Club Trips

Any club trips, including end of season player trips, adhere to responsible behaviour and responsible alcohol consumption in accordance with the principles of this policy and the values of our club.

Awards & Prizes

Our club will avoid providing awards (e.g. at end of season presentations) and fundraising prizes that have an emphasis on alcohol as a reward.


Club committee members will uphold this policy and any non-compliance will be handled according to the following process:

  • Club members and/or guests should notify the committee of any breaches of this Policy (for example, intoxicated individuals).
  • Explanation of the policy to the person/people concerned, including identification of the section of policy not being complied with.
  • Continued non-compliance with the policy should be handled by at least two committee members who will use their discretion as to the action taken, which may include asking the person/ people to leave the facilities or function.

Updated October 2021