Our History

1919 – Meeting was held in Les Warner’s Office where it was decided to form Wyong Tennis Club. Frank Hunt was the inaugural President and Secretary Lesley Aubrey Warner. (Lesley Warner, a keen and talented tennis player was son of the pioneer Albert H Warner).
Les Warner and Charlie Lucas built two loam courts at Baker Park, then known as Wyong Showground. A Fordson Tractor was used in the construction. The courts were completed in 1920. The land was gifted to the community by members of the Warner family for the purpose of providing sport.
Later a Tennis Shed was built comprising 2 rooms; one was used as the living quarters for “The Colonel – Jack Brooks who was principally the caretaker for the courts.
There was no town water at this time, a large galvanised drum was filled with water, heated and with tea added provided a refreshment for all at the courts.
About 1922 the Wyong and Tuggerah Lakes District Tennis Association was formed with Les Warner the Inaugural Secretary.
1927 - A prominent competition called the Warners Cup commenced - winners presented by Albert Warner .
1923 - A Wyong Tennis Team (C. Cunningham, A Mayo, Goodwin, L Hodgens, M Smith, A Mollet, Bourke, J Hunt, l Warner and L Berkinshaw) won the Newcastle AR2 Competition.
1932, 10th March Exhibition matches were played on the Railway Tennis Court by Australian Davis Cup Players, Jack Crawford, Cliff Sproule and Viv McGrath along with Mrs Crawford and Mrs Dengle. (The Court was situated in the current western Car park opposite Coast and Country Meats) and was described as one of the best court surfaces, Crawfors had played on.
1947 - Mavis Atchison met with Lee Burkinshaw and Ray Robson in the storeroom of Hydes Grocery Store, and agreed to re-form and rename Wyong and District Tennis Association (WDTA). Ray Robson was the President and Secretary, Lee Burkinshaw.
During the late 40s and 50s teams competing in the WDTA competition included Wyong, Toukley, The Entrance, Lisarow, Kangy, Tuggerah, Wyong Creek, Dooralong, Berkley Vale (and for a short time Gosford and Morrissett).
1947 – Wyong Tennis Club (WTC) was formed –with Mavis Atchison (Johns) President and Molly Holmes Secretary. Teams with courts were also formed in Toukley, The Entrance, Lisarow, Kangy Angy, Tuggerah, Yarramalong, Wyong Creek, Stringybarks (Jilliby), Berkely Vale and for a short period Gosford and Morisset.
1948 With the restoration of 4 loam courts (voluntary labour) at Baker Park, all small courts played under the banner of WDTA.
1950 – The Ladies Mid-Week competition was established – the first President was Mrs Phil Hollaway.
1956 – WDTA arranged coaching lessons for children by Bill Grant. The first tennis program for children in this area).
1959 – A low interest loan from Wyong Shire Council assisted the Association to construct a Brick Clubhouse at Baker Park
1964 – As the popularity of Tennis increased a further two loam courts were constructed at the southern side of the Clubhouse. This being a joint venture with the Wyong Shire Council.
1972 – Another joint venture with Wyong Shire Council resulted in a further two loam courts constructed providing a complex of eight courts all with lighting and a tennis clubhouse.
With tennis on the increase the eight court complex couldn’t service all the competitions with outside courts being used in addition to Baker Park.
1973 – Wyong Shire Council converted the original loam courts to bitumen all weather courts with “Colour Kote” surface.
1978 – After considerable negotiation with Keith O’Connell MP, and Wyong Shire Officials, land was acquired off Levitt Street and a loan of $40,000 approved by Council. A state Government grant of $40,000 was approved by Ken Booth, Minister for Sport. Together with $80,000 contribution by the WDTA, sufficient funds were gained to build six new courts at the new site.
1979 – Using volunteers the foundations for the courts were laid. The area was surrounded by a large open drain that contained stagnant water so the Club decide to pipe the area. The court bases were constructed with compacted road base topped with stabilised metal dust. The carpet used for the courts were imported from Canada and is believed to be the first synthetic grass tennis courts constructed outside Sydney Metropolitan area.
A lease for tennis courts and a licensed Club was acquired through the Council and with members support at the AGM it was resolved to build a licensed clubhouse.
11th September, 1979 the Wyong Sports and Tennis Club Ltd was formed replacing the Wyong District Tennis Association
1980 – 26th January the newly constructed six synthetic carpet grass tennis courts were opened for play.
1984 – May, the Morisset RSL Country Clubhouse was transported to Wyong in six sections commenced. December, the Licensing Court of NSW granted registration for the Club to enable it to be open for trading on 14th December.
1993 – 24th January, and arson attack was responsible for the burning of the Club storage and cellar area, which resulted in a short closure. Reduced trading under extremely difficult conditions recommenced.
1994 – 17th January, at the AGM the independent report of “Purkiss Partners” declaring the club insolvent was detailed to members. The members resolved to trade out of insolvency and a new Board was elected.
1994 – September, ANZ bank advised the Club it was “calling in the loan” in February 1995.
1995 – April, A loan was obtained from Edwards Mortgage to pay out the ANZ bank.
2001 – 12th February, a second arson attack this time on the function room resulting in the closure of the Club for three weeks.
April 2009 the licensed premises closed due to insolvency.
April 2009 - Wyong Shire Council resumed control of the courts and advised users they would need to become incorporated entities to be able to use the courts
As a consequence, the Social Group and Ladies Mid-Week Group each developed as separate incorporated associations. The two coaches using the centre had a separate user arrangement with the Council.
There was no single entity responsible for the vision of tennis for the centre or the overall management of the courts. Over time the courts have become neglected and the courts deemed substandard.
October 13th 2012 - A public meeting was convened at the tennis courts and resolved to re-form the Wyong District Tennis Association (WDTA) and negotiate with Wyong Shire Council to make available the courts to the tennis community and enable the Association to manage the courts.
Subsequently, The Wyong District Tennis Association Inc was registered and incorporated and an interim committee developed.
July 1 2013, Wyong Shire Council agreed to lease the tennis courts to the WDTA Inc.
The tennis court site together with the swimming pool, Pre-School, Women’s Health Centre and the now vacant land formerly occupied by the licensed Club, was known as Iconic Site No. 24. Wyong Council had identified 32 of these sites in the Shire. The Development Control Plan for these sites provided additional options as incentives for developers. The DCP commenced in 2013 .
The lease provided to the WDTA was restricted to 1 year only and the Committee were advised the Tennis Courts would be developed as part of the Iconic Site program.
Wyong Council agreed to provide $10,000 to the WDTA Inc to assist in cleaning the courts (that were playable) and the repair of a set of lights as part of the lease agreement.
The Committee determined the best strategy to “Save the Courts” was to "Build to Retain". An assessment was performed on the centre and a program developed to raise funds and apply for grants to upgrade the Wyong Tennis Centre
September 2015, WDTA was advised of a “planning” forum for the area known as Iconic Site 24. The WDTA assisted other organisations with Site 24 to commence a written campaign to Wyong Council objecting to the development of the site and abolition of Community sport and social services. The Forum held in November 2015 attributed to the dissolution of the Iconic site program.
2014 – present WDTA has acquired in excess of $400,000 in grants and contributed in excess of $200,000 to upgrade all courts, including the substructure of cts 6 & 7, upgraded all lights to LED, contructed 4 large shelters with seating for spectators and 6 oncourt shelters with seating for players, constrcuted pathways that provide access to all courts, security fencing for the centre incluing landscaping, drainage, and upgraded court fencing. A total cost in excess of $600,000. Voluntary manhours are not included and whilst difficult to calculate is significant.
2019 saw the celebration of 100 years of tennis in wyong. With day and night events and over 300 in attendance we celebrated the successes and challenges of our sport and organisation.
Currect status
With over 1000 members, we have out grown our small club house and have developed plans to rebuild a larger more functional facility to suit our growing needs.
Our vision as a family friendly Tennis club, is fore front in all our planning and with so many favourable comments from visitors we consider we are fulfilling this vision.