At our recent AGM, in the other business cat-egory, we received a letter from Carlington Neal enquiring whether he could become our club mascat. (Carlington is a cat, and obviously a clever one to be able to type a letter - I guess he's used to laptops.)
This was the cat-alyst for some discussion on the proposal. Some of the key points are cat-alogued below.
We checked the consti-chew-tion and found no claws to give us paws.
Without checking the cat-echism, and delving into es-cat-ology, we couldn't see any cat-aclysmic or cat-astrophic consequences, and we didn't want to go near the cat-acombs. (Some of us were already getting s-catty.)
As a voluntary position there would be no impact on the kitty, so it seemed to be a purr-fectly sound suggestion.
We agreed this would be a furry good idea as he has the full kitten caboodle, so without pussy-footing around fur-ther, we cat-egorically cat-apulted Carlington into the role.
Now that the cat's out of the bag, and with no more catty remarks that concludes the tail.