Book A Court / Booking / Book by date

Book your court

Get fit, have fun and play tennis.

There are four well maintained tennis courts, two En Tout Cas and two artificial clay courts all under lights.


Steps to booking your court:

1. Create a account

2. Reserve a court using the sheet below

3. A pin code will be emailed and sms to you along with your confirmation.

4. When you get to the Werribee Tennis Club, walk up to the gate and enter your code, the pin pad will flash green then push the door to enter. Your pin code will allow you to enter 15mins prior to your court booking.


Please read if booking after dark

Werribee Tennis Club upgraded court lighting to LED in November 2024. These lights turn on instantly with no cool down required between bookings.


Please read if you are interesting in the Clay courts

Clay cours are for Werribee Tennis Club members only.