
Membership is inexpensive and there are many benefits:

  • Court Hire is $5/hr for members when they are playing with other members, between 7am and dark every day except for hit-up times.
  • Social tennis days (hit-ups) fees are lower than for non members
  • Members are provided with Accident Insurance while on the courts by Tennis NSW

Membership Fees 2023

Renewing Memberships 

Adult $70

Junior (5-17 yrs) 

Family $165

New Membership (incl joining fee)

Adult $90

Junior (5-17 yrs) $25

Family $165

To become a member, the easiest way is to do it online. Scroll down from here,  select Join Now and pay with your credit card. Membership lasts 12 months from when you join or renew.

Juniors must be aged between 5 and 17 as at 1st January 2023, or be attending High School.

Maximum two Adult memberships per Family Membership, plus Juniors who must be aged between 5 and 17 as at 1st January 2023, or be attending High School, and living at the same address.



Family Membership 12 Months

12 months membership

Family of up to 2 adults and unlimited juniors living at same address

Join now

Junior Membership 12 Months

12 months membership

Junior Membership for 12 months

Eligibility: Juniors must be aged between 5 and 17 when they join, or be attending high school

Join now

New Adult 12 months membership

12 months membership

New Adult 12 months

Join now

Renewing Adult membership 12 months

12 months membership

Renewing adult membership 12 months

Join now