We are fortunate to have various supporting groups that helps us on our journey to providing our members with good facilities and other beneficial services.
Prelli Tennis
This long-established store, located in Collingwood can provide all your tennis supplies.
Just give them a call to discuss your needs on 9419 4000 or check their website: Prelli Tennis
They also provide various promotions or product discounts throughout the year for Royal Park TC members.
Mixed Osteo
Osteopaths work to alleviate pain in the body. See what they can do for you.
Contact them on or visit their website: Mixed Osteo
They are located in Kensington.
All Royal Park TC players can receive 20% off the cost of their first visit.
Tennis Victoria
We are affiliated with Tennis Victoria and they provide the club with a variety of support.
They also provide information about tennis events, tennis competitions and also provide 'Personal Injury Coverage' for all paid members.
See their website for more information: Tennis Victoria or contact them on 8420 8420.
For information about 'Personal Injury Coverage', see the Insurance Broker: Marsh.