Book A Court / Booking / Book by date

Court Hire

Book your court

Court hire is available to club members and members of the public.

Club members: Courft hire is free. Nightly rate is $10.00 per hour for lights. Club members sign in to your account using the same email address that was used to register your membership.

Non club members: Court hire is $20.00 per hour. Nightly rate is $10.00 per hour for lights.

Enjoy playing tennis at Parkdale and we ask you to help us maintain the quality of our courts. Please remember to water and bag en-tout-cas courts when you have finished play. Our synthetic courts also require to be bagged after use. 

Payment for lights commences at 7.30pm.

Instructions for booking a court

FAQs for booking a court

Call our book a court troubleshooter Michele on 0434 285 032 if you are having problems.