Junior Development

MITS Minis

Blue Stage (3-5 year olds)
Early childhood program that focuses on fun-teaching students how to understand and use their body. The basis of our activities is through Functional Perceptual Motor Skills (FPMS), combining them with modified equipment to create a fun and engaging learning experience.


Court Size: variable
Tennis Ball: red ball (25 per cent compression)
Recommended racquet size: 19-21 inches

Concentrates on:

  • Fundamental and Perceptual Motor Skills (FPMS)
  • Spacial awareness
  • Ball tracking skills
  • Hand/eye coordination
  • Introduction to correct body movement and positioning
  • Introduction to racquet mastery



Red Ball (5-8 year olds)

Elementary program that focuses on the basics of the game. Through partner based activities that utilize FPMS, students get to learn how tennis is played in a safe and social environment.


Court Size: 3m x 8.23m or 6m x 10.97m (mini court/mini net)
Tennis Ball: red ball (25 per cent compression)
Recommended racquet size: 21-23 inches

Concentrates on:

  • Spacial awareness
  • Ball tracking skills
  • Hand/eye coordination
  • Introduction to correct body movement and positioning
  • Introduction to racquet mastery


Orange Ball (8-10 year olds)

Primary stage that considers athletic development and learning the skills of tennis. Understanding and practicing specific strokes will be introduced to assist physical and mental development. Social and behavioral skills are taught to allow the students to know what it’s like to be an athlete.


Court Size: 6m x 18.29m (reduced full court)
Tennis Ball: orange ball (50 per cent compression)
Recommended racquet size: 23-25 inches

Concentrates on:

  • Basic technique fundamentals
  • Knowledge of tennis rules
  • Introduction to tactical fundamentals



Green Ball (9-12 year olds)

Court Size: 10.97m x 23.78m (full court)
Tennis Ball: green ball (75 per cent compression)
Recommended racquet size: 25-27 inches

Concentrates on:

  • Intermediate to advanced technique
  • Intermediate tactical fundamentals



Yellow Stage Group Lessons

This stage is designed to accommodate teenage players who are wishing to continue their tennis development in a more social and recreational group environment.


Concentrates on the following;

  • Intermediate to advanced technique
  • Continuing Match tactical fundamentals
  • Practice Routines
  • Physical Training Tips