Challenge Board

The Challenge Board is a long Coburg Tennis Club tradition, and one that we brought back in 2023.

It's an intra-Club singles competition where you challenge members above you for their position, bragging rights, and the chance to be the season champion in your division.  As Highlander says, "there can be only one" (Google it kids - some may call it legendary cinema), although in this case we will appoint champions for highest rank male, female, boy and girl player.


Challenge 2025 is yet to start, but this is how it works.


  • Players register to be part of the Challenge Board, and will be ranked from 1 onwards
  • Players can challenge a player up to 2 spots ahead of them on the rankings. For example, #18 can challenge #17 or #16, but not #15 or higher.
  • Once challenged, the players organise a Challenge Match.
  • If the challenger wins, they swap places on the Challenge Board with their opponent.


The Challenge Board is an open competition with Women, Men, Girls and Boys all together.

Champions will be the top-placed player of each at the end of the Challenge Board season, with prizes.

There will be a fee to enter the competition, but challenges are free.


Details and rules are:

  1. Open to all full members (juniors, adults, non-competition social players)
  2. Players will need to register in advance so they can be seeded / ranked by Tass.  If you register after Challenge Board has started, you'll be placed at the bottom of your section (e.g. mens') and have to challenge your way up.
  3. Challenges to be organised via Team App using the Challenge Board chat group, or private chats (which means downloading it and requesting to join the Challenge Board Access Group / Team).
  4. Challenges can be played at any time when both players agree.
  5. If a challenge is presented to you, you must make best efforts to play.
  6. If a challenge match is not played within 1 week, the challenge position is forfeited to the Challenger.
  7. Players can’t be challenged or challenge other players if they already have a challenge to another player pending. Finish the pending challenge first.
  8. If you're challenged and don’t have a challenge match pending, you have to accept the challenge or cede your place on the board.
  9. No rejecting challenges because you're waiting to challenge someone else. From time to time the Club will suspend challenges to allow for holidays and long weekends.
  10. The challenger is responsible for booking the court, and if the match is played at night, covering the cost of lights (Club members are not charged for daytime court rental).
  11. Challenge matches are either an 8-game ser (with 10-point super tie-break) or best of 3 sets (2 x 6-game sets with 10-point super tie-break 3rd set).
  12. Rechallenges can only occur after 1 week.
  13. Once your challenge match is completed, notify Tass of the result.  The board will be updated every day that there is coaching at the Club.
  14. Disputes will be adjudicated by club coach Tass.  Contact via the Challenge Board Team App.
  15. All challenge matches will be played under the Tennis Victoria Code of Conduct.