What's On

Notice of General Meetings

A Special General Meeting and Annual General Meeting of the Coburg Tennis Club, Inc. will be held at the Coburg Tennis Club pavilion (227A Bell Street Coburg, enter from Cnr Bellevue St & Victoria St) on August 19, 2024 starting from 7:00p.  All members of the local and tennis-playing community are welcome to attend, however voting is limited to financial full members of the Club.

If you can’t make it, a proxy can be appointed either in advance by emailing a Proxy Vote form to the Club Secretary at secretarycoburgtc@gmail.com, or by your proxy bringing a signed form and tendering it to the Secretary prior to meeting commencement.


Special General Meeting

The Special General Meeting has been called to ratify proposed amendments to the Club constitution intended to strengthen our classification as a not-for-profit (NFP) organisation as part of new reporting requirements for NFPs to the Australian Taxation Office.

Motion 1 : Modification of clause 29.1 (Winding Up)

In the event of winding up, cancellation of the incorporation or dissolution of the Association, the assets and amounts that remain after such dissolution and the satisfaction of all debts and liabilities shall be transferred to another organization with similar purposes which is not carried on for the profit or gain of its individual members or disposed of in accordance with the provisions of the Act."

Motion 2 : Addition of new clause 31.2 (Sources of Funds)

The assets, income and funds of the Association shall be applied solely in the furtherance of its purpose as stated in this Constitution and no portion shall be distributed directly or indirectly to the members of the Association unless as bona fide compensation for services rendered or expenses occurred on behalf of the Association.

Motion 3 : Agreement to provide additional, temporary powers to the General Committee to implement further changes to the Constitution as directed and required by Consumer Affairs Victoria in order to secure successful lodgement without requiring return to another Special General Meeting.  These powers will expire at the successful lodgement and acceptance of the revised constitution with Consumer Affairs Victoria.

The Special General Meeting will precede the Annual General Meeting.


Annual General Meeting

The Annual General Meeting will present and summarise the operations of the Club for the 2023-2024 financial year, and elect a new General Committee to oversee Club operations for 2024-2025.  The meeting will conduct the following business:

Confirm the minutes of the last annual general meeting

  1. Receive General Committee reports on activities of the Association over the last financial year
  2. Announce targets of General Committee gender composition
  3. Elect mandatory officers of the Association and ordinary members of the General Committee
  4. Elect option officers of the Association where nominations are received
  5. Receive and consider the (financial) statement of the Association.

Any financial full member of the Club over the age of 16 at the time of the meeting is eligible to nominate for a position on the committee, or to vote.  Parents and guardians of members under the age of 16 are entitled to 1 vote per junior member.

The Club General Committee is comprised of:

  • 3 mandatory officers of the Association: President, Treasurer, Secretary
  • 3 optional officers of the Association: Vice President, Assistant Treasurer, Assistant Secretary
  • 6 ordinary members.  Ordinary members can hold portfolios of responsibility or simply provide guidance and opinion in committee decision making.

Nominations are sought and will be accepted for all positions.  Nominations can be made in person at the meeting.

The Club would like to improve diversity amongst its committee membership and is seeking greater participation from female members and young adults (16-25 years old)

The committee typically meets monthly for around 90 minutes per meeting.  The primary objective is to oversee the core operations of the Club (correspondence, financials, maintenance and investments).  Any additional activities (e.g. social) are at the discretion of the committee based on availability and participation of non-committee volunteers.

Proxy Vote form 


- Coburg Tennis Club