Court Hire - Non.members $10 per hour
- Members play for free
Lights - $2 per hour (Coin Operated only accepts $2 coin)
Court Usage
We are keyless! With funding from Tennis Australia we have installed a “Book a Court” system. This system enables you to Book a Court online from your computer, phone or device via an app or QR Code. You can quickly see when a court is available and book and pay online. You will be sent a code for the keypad on the gate to use at the time of your booking.
For times where court lighting is required, you must have $2 coins to activate the lights, 1 x $2 coin is required per hour of lighting, please insert 1x $2 coin into the meter box next to the door inside the club house.
As a court user of Cawongla Tennis Club you are to adhere to the policies set forth by Tennis Australia including Privacy, Member Protection and Code of Conduct. As a member and court user you also agree to the Terms of Use for the Cawongla Tennis Club.