
Tennis is back as 80% vax rate reached

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After a long period of restrictions, tennis is back with competition and other tennis activities permitted to restart, with density limits in place. 

Please update yourself on current guidelines and requirements.

Vida Tennis will also be in touch with coaching participants separately to update them on lessons and activities. 

Tennis Victoria has advised that from 30 October 2021 the following applies, subject to density limits:

  • Everyone attending a tennis club must continue to Check-in via the Service Victoria QR code app.
  • Face masks are required in indoor spaces only for ages 12+ (unless a medical exemption applies)
  • Shared equipment must be cleaned between users.
  • Players are encouraged to practice the COVIDSafe principles
  • Spectators are permitted subject to public gathering limits in the Stay Safe Directions No.28, in groups of no more than 30 (multiple groups must be spaced out).