Frequently Asked Questions
What Should I bring?
Water, a hat, comfortable clothing and enclosed shoes. We do have some raquets to be borrowed but highly recommend players to have their own.
The weather is looking wet/hot is tennis on?
If lessons need to be cancelled due to the weather a message will be posted on the As Tennis Facebook page 30mins prior to lesson time. Classes will go ahead in rain if light enough and deemed safe. During hot weather coaches will ensure extra shade/drink breaks. In extreme hot weather or lightening storms lessons will be cancelled.
What happens if a lesson is cancelled?
If lessons are cancelled due to weather conditions make up sessions will be held in the "spare" week at the end of term. Where make up sessions can't be completed a credit will be given.
What should I do if I am ill or can't attend a session?
Please contact AS Tennis if you can't attend a lesson. If spaces allow you will be offered a make up session on a different day. For long term illness/injury please contact AS Tennis.
Will photos/ videos be taken?
At times photos/videos may be taken for technique correction or for marketing purposes and posted in social media or in newsletters. If you don't want your child to be photographed please contact AS Tennis.