
The club welcomes new members of all ages and abilities.

Our Membership database is now on ClubSpark. If you don't already have a ClubSpark account you can do this at:

ClubSpark account/sign in or

You can then select the membership package below that applies to you and follow the instructions in the package.

Please use the card payment option and enter your card details on your selected enrolment package and your enrolment will become active immediately.

Membership benefits include:

  • Be part of a socially interactive club
  • Suitable for all ages and abilities
  • Enjoy the benefits of Tennis Victoria membership including injury insurance.  Our club has received accreditation from Tennis Victoria to the GAME level
  • Access to excellent Plexicushion and Synthetic grass courts
  • Access to Fast4 tennis on Saturdays at 11:00am
  • Come for a casual hit on Monday mornings at 9:00am
  • Join an in-house tennis competition (Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday evenings during school terms)
  • Join one of our Tennis Geelong competitions (Midweek, Summer & Winter terms available)
  • Access to professional tennis coaching
  • Discount on Cardio Tennis on Tuesday & Thursday evenings at 7:00pm (bookings required)

Please contact the ClubSpark support team if you are having any difficulty renewing your membership by calling 1800 752 983


If you would like to pay via electronic bank deposit the club has a Bendigo Bank account BSB: 633 000 Account: 140  144 106.  The half yearly Adult membership fee is $47.50 and the half yearly Student/Pensioner  membership fee is $37.50. The Clubs prefernce is that members pay via card using the  relevant membership option below:



2023/24 Adult half year membership

1/04/2024 - 30/09/2024

Access to courts and eligible for competition.

Eligibility: Adult

Join now

2023/24 Junior

1/10/2023 - 30/09/2024

Access to courts, eligible for competition and Tennis 4 Teens.

Eligibility: Under 18 at commencement of financial year.

Join now

2023/24 Senior membership (for 75 years and over)

1/10/2023 - 30/09/2024

Access to courts and eligible for competition.

Eligibility: Adults who are 75 years and over

Join now

2023/24 Student/Pensioner half year membership

1/05/2024 - 30/09/2024

Access to courts and eligible for competition.

Eligibility: Adult student/pensioner

Join now

Tennis Geelong Junior Comp Fee (Green Ball &above)

6 months membership

Tennis Geelong Junior competition fee Green ball & above players (Winter 2024)

Eligibility: Junior green ball & above players. The cost is per season.

Join now

Tennis Geelong Junior Comp Fee (Orange Ball)

6 months membership

Tennis Geelong Junior competition fee (Orange ball player for Winter 2024)

Eligibility: Junior orange ball players

Join now