Established in 1897 the Yarra Glen Tennis Club has a long and proud history.
The Yarra Glen Tennis Club is particularly appreciative to the numerous members who have selflessly given their time to the club over many years, sitting on committees and maintaining the courts and grounds. We have many second and third generation families playing at our club.
Initially the first courts were situated in Wallace Street. At one stage in the early 1900’s the Club was relocated to the River Reserve near Melba Highway Bridge but was forced to return to Wallace Street because the area was prone to flooding.
In the mid 1950’s the Club relocated to its present site where three courts were built and the Clubroom (the old dining room previously located at The Yarra Flats Hotel) was relocated to this site. These courts were resurfaced to en-tout-cas courts in 1968.
During the 1980’s the Netball court adjacent to the three en-tout-cas courts was converted to a plexi pave Tennis Court and two additional plexi pave courts were built at the rear of the complex.
In 1995 new clubrooms were built and the old Clubhouse was used for storage. In recent years, with the assistance of the Yarra Ranges Council, the Old Clubhouse has been restored and is now used in conjunction with the new Clubhouse. The Old Clubhouse is now Heritage listed.
In 2016, the two rear plexi pave courts, which were in a state of disrepair because of significant drainage issues, were converted to six purpose built Hot Shot Courts (smaller modified courts for young children).
In 2019, the three En Tout Cas Courts and the remaining plexi pave court were converted to Synthetic Grass Courts. During this upgrade the Court Lights, Fencing and Net Posts were also upgraded.