Woombye Tennis Club History

The Woombye showground (now occupied by the bowling green and tennis courts), was the venue for the earliest shows in the shire. The first show was held on 3 June 1900 and the event continued until 2 June 1909 when Nambour became the new location. In 1910 it was decided to form the North Coast Agricultural and Horticultural Society to hold shows annually at Woombye. Their first show was held in the Woombye School of Arts and its grounds on 9 July 1911. In 1920 the show was relocated to new showgrounds below the railway station, where it was held annually until 1933 when the show pavilion and annexe were destroyed by fire.  In 1947 the hall was in a bad state of repair the committee folded and the hall was only used as an agency for two banks and a firm of solicitors. The Tennis Club was built on the School of Arts reserve at this time.

Cyril Waters, the then president of the Maroochy District Bowls Association, performed the opening ceremony. The clubhouse had originally opened in 1953 following the formation of the Club in March 1949. The clubhouse had replaced the Club's first building, which had been little more than a twelve by ten foot tarpaulin supported by poles. This had been located on the present site of the bowling green, on land owned by the Woombye Tennis Club and encircled by the show ring.


Annual show of the Maroochy Pastoral, Agricultural, Horticultural and Industrial Association at Woombye Show stalls and patrons ca 1905
