Social tennis is available and encouraged at the Club throughout the week (apart from on days/times of competition). Members can book courts thorugh the Mulgrave Country Club booking system. Note that annual membership fees are very affordable and include the use of lights at night.
Wednesday night from 8-11pm is blocked out for social play. All members are welcome to come along and also bring a guest to play. The format depends on numbers that come along, but is mostly doubles play. This is a great oportunity for new members to come and meet other members.
- Rainer Warkus (Wednesday night social tennis)
- Ph: 0419 599 108 or E:
Mid-week men's tennis runs on Wednesday mornings from 9am. Some players are part of teams that are entered into the WDTA mid-week mens' competition.
This group also plays on Wednesdays outisde competition season and particpation is by a gold coin donation for morning tea, coffee and biscuits (i.e. you do not need to be a member to play). If you want more information contact Ian Jenner, details below.
- Ian Jenner (mid-week mens)
- Ph: 0425 779 540 or E:
Submit this form and we will contact you to discuss your requirements.