Covid latest, AGM and Christmas party

* The latest Covid-19 rules have removed the 20 people limit and replaced it with 4 square metre social distancing. All members are reminded that they must have their proof of double vaccination with them in order to participate in social group and competition tennis. Also, masks are still required in the clubhouse which has a limit of 10 people at any one time.

* The WPMTC Annual General Meeting will be held on Saturday 20th November at 10am in the BBQ area. The Agenda, Committee Nomination form and Minutes of the 2020 meeting will be emailed to members in the near future and will be available in the clubhouse.

* Our Christmas party will be held on Saturday 11th December starting at 4pm. The cost for a three- course dinner will be $25 per person for members and their families. There will be a limit of 80 people. Further details will be emailed to you shortly.