President's Report Winter 2022
Tue, 23 Aug 2022 00:00
Your committee of dedicated volunteers has been busy as usual during the winter months. Some of their activities are outlined in this report.
* Bathroom renovations. Renovations are complete although we are still awaiting the final grant installment. Our Port Macquarie Member of Parliament, Leslie Williams visited on 30th June to inspect the bathrooms. Leslie has been an ongoing supporter of our club and her help with this project has been greatly appreciated. The toilet roll holders were changed due to excess toilet paper use which looked like it was being stolen. If the lockable holders don’t work out, we may go back to the original ones. The contribution of the club towards the bathroom work was just over $4,000. A solar hot water system was installed which when combined with our solar roof panels has greatly reduced our power bills.
* Club Championships have been run and results publicized. Many thanks go to Marion and Greg McIntosh who did a great job as organizers. Marion and Greg then were the joint Competition Secretary for an outstanding Seniors Tournament. There is a financial statement for the Seniors tournament, along with all other Treasurers reports and minutes in the folder in the clubhouse.
* Our Seniors Tournament attracted a record number of players and despite a washout on the Friday was a great success. The Westport Club was our sponsor with $1,000 which was used to run the tournament. The Westport Club also subsidized a great night out at their club during the tournament. The $1,000 was part of the $3,000 for sponsorship of our club. The remaining $2,000 was used for the 2021-22 Junior Scholarship. Many thanks go to Jenny Edmunds and the Westport Club for their ongoing support. Thanks also to our members who donated cakes and slices and to those who ran the Canteen during the Tournament. In particular, Marion and Wayne Pallot did a great job in organizing and running the kitchen. A big thank you also to those members who attended the Working Bee which made the courts look a picture.
* Quotes have been received for converting Court 8 back to a tennis court and a grant has been sought. If this happens, movable nets will be used for Hot Shot and Touch Tennis participants.
* Paul Fox, with the help of Peter Coe has met with Council regarding the possibility of building more courts on the adjacent oval. The plan also includes Hot Shot and Pickleball courts and is on display in the Clubhouse.
* Tim, our Bathroom renovator has quoted for raising the level of the entrance pathway where it floods. We would be looking at going over the top of the existing path to the steps on either side of the clubhouse. This work will be undertaken soon.
* The power box has been updated and will be kept locked. New light switches have been installed making life easier for night users. A light has been installed in the shed and new smoke detectors installed throughout the clubhouse.
* Use of the Defibrillator. As you would know the AED was used and required a battery and pads change. These items have been purchased and installed. A training session on using the AED in an emergency will be offered soon. The defibrillator is in a glass fronted box near the TV. The box was installed by Arthur Monck and Les Ware who were kept busy during the winter months. In the unlikely event that the AED is needed, and the clubhouse is locked, a coded box with a clubhouse key inside will be located on the southern exterior wall. A dedicated phone number can be called which will supply the code to open the box to obtain the clubhouse key and access the AED.
* Our resident Technician Arthur Monck has been working on problems with getting the CCTV up and running again. Arthur and Les Ware also arranged repairs of the court nets.
* The TV in the clubhouse stopped working and was replaced by a new one. Les and Arthur purchased and installed the new set.
* We have sought quotes for grooming of the courts which will be undertaken after the “La Nina” weather pattern subsides. In the meantime, we will endeavour to control mould on the courts with the use of a commercial product.
* Sandy Rosenbladh has been working on repairs to the aerial photo of our newly built courts in 1991. It is hoped that we will be able to have an up-to-date aerial photo for comparison. So, keep an eye out in the Clubhouse.
* Peter Emmerson has been doing a great job with our membership. We have over 255 senior members and 105 junior members. Between 1st September and 30th December, membership will be only $25 so if you know of anyone who may like to join at the reduced rate, please encourage them.
* Our Coaching Contractors, Goodwin Tennis have done a great job in a short time that they have been working at our courts. Coaching numbers are at record levels. Competitions are being conducted on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays with great attendance. A few schools are using our courts and our social hire is also at record levels.
* Our Treasurer, David Clayton, is still in the process of creating an accounting system that is mainly electronic. Our Quest payment system is working brilliantly with most social group players using it for their daily fees. The use of the Quest reader is encouraged for all our social group players as it makes life so much easier for our Treasurer. Both credit and debit cards can be used with the reader.
* A tennis ball recycling box can be found outside the Pro-Shop. Thanks to Penny and Rod Kramer who have introduced and are running the program. They will post the used balls to the recycling company. This is a great initiative and placing used balls in the box is encouraged.
* The heavy squeegee roller, used to dry out courts after heavy rain, is to be replaced. Two new devices are in the process of being purchased.
* We have so many children joining Goodwin coaching classes that we need more racquets to loan to children and juniors. Do you any at home that your children have outgrown? They would be greatly appreciated in any condition.
* Finally, many thanks to all the volunteers who make our tennis centre a great place to meet and play tennis. Most of their work is done after everyone goes home so it is unseen. However, maintenance, gardening, court sweeping, watering, cleaning to name a few, are essential jobs that need to be done on a regular basis. Any contribution that you would be able to make would be much appreciated.
Geoff Beard