Junior Code of Conduct
Code of Conduct
Wandana Heights Tennis Club
Junior Committee, Team Managers, Umpires, Parents, and Players.
August 2014
- Purpose
This code of conduct is intended to be used by all club members to provide examples of good behaviour that is expected of representatives of the Wandana Heights Tennis Club. Every player, parent/spectator, Team Manager, and Committee Member are representatives of the club. Their behaviour is the most visible part of this.
- Putting the Code Of Conduct into practice
In practice the Code of Conduct is essentially a guide to club members to refer to and to use as a guide to behaviour that will promote an enjoyable experience for all club members.
- Expectations
- Committee
- Endorse, communicate and promote the Code Of Conduct
- Set appropriate examples
- Handle all complaints regarding breaches of the Code of Conduct as detailed in Section 5 below, based on the principles of procedural fairness (natural justice).
- Team Managers
- Distribute the Code of Conduct to Teams
- Set example behaviour
- Discuss behaviours with parents and players
- Acknowledge and encourage appropriate behaviour
- Act on any behaviour that is not consistent with the Code of Conduct
- Report to the Committee any behaviour that is not consistent with the Code of Conduct.
- Parents
- Discuss the expected behaviour with their children
- Respectfully and calmly discuss behaviour that is not consistent with the Code of Conduct with either the team manager if deemed appropriate, or alternatively directly with the junior co-ordinator or a member of the junior committee.
- If any of the parties (parent, player, umpire or manager) are dissatisfied with the result the next step is to engage the junior co-ordinator or a member of the junior committee.
- Code of conduct
- Committee
- I will provide opportunities for parents and players to be involved in planning, leadership, evaluation and decision-making related to the club
- I will create pathways for parents and players have input into the administration of the club
- I will ensure quality supervision and instruction for players
- I will remember that players participate for their enjoyment and benefit. I will not over emphasise awards
- I will help coaches and officials highlight appropriate behaviour and skill development, and help to improve the standards of coaching and officiating
- I will ensure that everyone involved in sport emphasises fair play, and not winning at all costs
- I will distribute a code of conduct to players, parents and team managers and encourage them to follow it
- I will be respectful and not use bad language, harass players, coaches, officials or spectators
- I will respect the rights, dignity and worth of all people involved in the game, regardless of their gender, ability or cultural background
- I will apply this code of conduct to any comment or interaction I have with various forms of social media, understanding that any comment is representing me personally. Only the club Secretary or President can represent the club in public comment.
- I will promote adherence to anti-doping policies.
- I will not allow the unlawful supply of alcohol at training, games or club functions
- Team Manager/Umpire
- I will place the safety and welfare of players above all else and show due caution towards sick and injured players
- I will ensure that equipment and facilities meet safety standards and are appropriate to the age and ability of all players
- I will operate within the rules and spirit of the game and teach my players to do the same
- I will remember that players participate for enjoyment and winning is only part of the fun and avoid overplaying talented players
- I will give all players a ‘fair go’ regardless of their gender, ability, cultural background or religion
- I will be reasonable in my demands on players’ time, energy and enthusiasm
- I will be impartial, consistent, objective and courteous when making decisions
- I will promote respect for the individuality of players and discourage unsporting behaviour
- I will never ridicule or yell at players for making a mistake or not winning
- I will ensure that the time players spend with me is a positive experience. All players are deserving of equal attention and opportunities
- I will always respect and support other officials and not use bad language, abuse or harass players, officials, spectators or other coaches
- I will respect the rights, dignity and worth of all people involved in the game, regardless of their gender, ability or cultural background
- I will be a positive role model in behaviour and personal appearance and ensure my comments are positive and supportive
- I will keep up to date with the latest ‘Laws of the Game’, and applicable rules of our local competition
- I will accept responsibility for my actions and decisions
- I will promote adherence to anti-doping policies.
- I will apply this code of conduct to any comment or interaction I have with various forms of social media
- I will not arrive at the venue intoxicated or drink alcohol at junior matches
- I will not allow the unlawful supply of alcohol at training, games or club functions
- I will avoid any situations which may lead to or be construed as a conflict of interest
- Parent
- I will remember that the game is for the enjoyment of the players
- I will focus on my child’s efforts and performance – not the score
- I will respect the rights, dignity and worth of all people involved in the game, regardless of their gender, ability or cultural background.
- I will always respect and support officials and not use bad language, abuse or harass players, officials, spectators or other coaches
- I will encourage my child to play within the rules and respect officials, umpires, and coaches’ decisions – no matter what
- I will teach my child to respect the efforts of their opponents
- I will not coach players during play. I will respect that coaching is only to be done before or after sets. It is the role of the umpire to direct beginners where they are unsure of rules, sequence of play, or correct position.
- I will only applaud, cheer, or otherwise support play after the point is complete remembering that children learn best by example so I will applaud good plays/performances by both my child’s team and their opponents
- I will give positive comments that motivate and encourage continued effort
- I will thank the coaches, officials and other volunteers who give their time to conduct the event for my child
- I will apply this code of conduct to any comment or interaction I have with various forms of social media
- I will not arrive at the venue intoxicated or drink alcohol at junior matches
- Player
- I will always play by the rules
- I will never argue with an official or umpire. If I disagree with a decision I will inform the captain, coach or manager during a break or after the competition
- I will control my temper. I understand that verbal abuse of officials and sledging other players and deliberately distracting or provoking an opponent are not acceptable or permitted behaviours in any sport
- I will work equally hard for myself and/or my team and I will cooperate with my coach, team mates and opponents
- I will be a good sport and applaud all good plays whether they are made by my team or the opposition
- I will treat all players in my sport as I like to be treated. I will not bully or take unfair advantage of another competitor
- I will display modesty in victory and congratulate an opponent when I have been defeated
- I will participate for my own enjoyment and benefit, not just to please parents and coaches
- I will respect the rights, dignity and worth of all participants regardless of their gender, ability, cultural background or religion
- I will thank the opposition, umpires, and officials at the end of the game
- I will apply this code of conduct to any comment or interaction I have with various forms of social media
- I will comply with anti-doping policies.
- I will not arrive at the venue intoxicated or drink alcohol at junior matches
- Raising and responding to complaints
- Complaints
Our club takes all complaints about on and off-field behaviour seriously. Our club will handle complaints based on the principles of procedural fairness (natural justice), that is:
- all complaints will be taken seriously;
- both the person making the complaint (complainant) and the person the complaint is against (respondent) will be given full details of what is being said against them and have the opportunity to respond (give their side of the story);
- irrelevant matters will not be taken into account;
- decisions will be unbiased and fair; and
- any penalties imposed will be fair and reasonable.
More serious complaints may be escalated to our district/region/state or national body.
If the complaint relates to suspected child abuse, sexual assault or other criminal activity, then our club will need to report the behaviour to the police and/or relevant government authority and our national body.
- Raising a Complaint
To raise a complaint, discuss (in a respectable and calm manner) the behaviour that is not consistent with the Code of Conduct with either the team manager if deemed appropriate, or alternatively directly with the junior co-ordinator or a member of the junior committee.
If any of the parties (parent, player, umpire or manager) are dissatisfied with the result the next step is to engage the junior co-ordinator or a member of the junior committee.
- Complaint Handling Process
When a complaint is received by our club, the person receiving the complaint (ie the team manager, junior co-ordinator or member of the junior committee) will:
- listen carefully and ask questions to understand the nature and extent of the problem;
- ask what the complainant would like to happen;
- explain the different options available to help resolve the problem;
- take notes; and
- maintain confidentiality but not necessarily anonymity.
Once the complainant decides on their preferred option for resolution, the club will assist, where appropriate and necessary, with the resolution process. This may involve:
- supporting the person complaining to talk to the person being complained about
- bringing all the people involved in the complaint together to talk objectively through the problem (this could include external mediation);
- gathering more information (e.g. from other people that may have seen the behaviour);
- seeking advice from our district, regional, state and/or national body or from an external agency (e.g. State Department of Sport or anti-discrimination agency);
- referring the complaint to our district, regional, state or national association; and/or
- referring the complainant to an external agency such as a community mediation centre, police or anti-discrimination agency.
In situations where a complaint is referred to our district, regional, state or national association and an inquiry is conducted, the club will:
- co-operate fully;
- ensure the complainant and respondent are not victimised;
- where applicable, ensure the complainant is not placed in an unsupervised situation with the respondent(s); and
- act on our district, regional, state or national association’s recommendations.
At any stage of the process, a person can seek advice from or lodge a complaint with an anti-discrimination commission or other external agency.
- Disciplinary measures
Our club will take disciplinary action against anyone found to have breached our code of conduct or made false and malicious allegations. Any disciplinary measure imposed under our policy must:
- Be applied consistent with any contractual and employment rules and requirements;
- Be fair and reasonable;
- Be based on the evidence and information presented and the seriousness of the breach;
- Be determined by our Constitution, By Laws and the rules of the game.
Possible measures that may be taken include:
- verbal and/or written apology;
- counselling to address behaviour;
- withdrawal of any awards, placings, records, achievements bestowed in any tournaments, activities or events held or sanctioned by our club;
- suspension or termination of membership, participation or engagement in a role or activity;
- de-registration of accreditation for a period of time or permanently;
- a fine; or
- any other form of discipline that our club considers reasonable and appropriate.
- Appeals
The complainant or respondent can lodge one appeal against decisions of or disciplinary measures imposed by our club to our district, regional, state or national association. Appeals must be based on either a denial of natural justice, because of unjust or unreasonable disciplinary measure(s) being imposed, or on the grounds that the decision was not supported by the information/evidence presented and available to the decision maker/club.