Women's Twilight Internal Social Round Robin
Come and join like minded Women who would like to have a bit of fun, meet new people, get active, have some supper and a social chat. All in a safe and welcoming environment. If you have any question or dietary requirements, please email Thuc Vo - secretary@viewbanktc.com.au, Otherwise we will see you on Wednesday nights
Viewbank Tennis Club was established in 1969.
In 1972 the Club started an internal men's twilight competition held on a Thursday which runs from November to March having a break over Christmas. This year is their 50th year.
The reason why the club started Twilight in 1972 was mainly for social interaction, getting to meet new members, getting out and being active. Now its time to let people that identify as Women to come along and have the same amount of fun!
Thuc Vo 0467 553 449 secretary@viewbanktc.com.au
Price will be $5 for Members & $10 for Non Members.
A link to register and pay each week can be found here: https://play.tennis.com.au/viewbanktennisclub/Coaching