Welcome to the Vermont Tennis Club


Vermont Tennis club is situated in picturesque parklands with onsite parking for upto to 20 cars. .......


  • Two hardcourt and four en tout cas courts, all floodlit.
  • The Club house has the capacity to hold about 60 people. It has a  fully equipped kitchen, bathrooms, TV and bar available to members for night tennis and social ooccasions.
  • There is an external barbeque area and tables and seats for spectators as well as seating areas around the clubrooms.



Tea and coffee are available to members. Members are asked to wash their cups and other dishes after use.



We ask players to be considerate and continue to sanitise and maintain social distancing where possible to keep everyone safe.   

Social Media

Follow us on Facebook and Instagram to stay up to date with what's happening at the club.  All photographs taken at the club by committee members may be used for social media purposes. 

How to find us

Vermont Tennis Club
Nunkeri Street

Get directions