Pickleball Rules (Basic)
First to 11 points wins the game. There must be a 2-point difference between the two scores. If not, keep going until there is. You only score if you have served and won the point.
The score is to be called by the server before the point is played. [EG: 2 - 0 - 1]
Volley Serve -Underarm serve, hitting the ball from no higher than waist level (and contact of ball lower than wrist).
Drop Serve -Drop ball and let it bounce before underarm serving.
Serve from behind the baseline into the diagonally opposite service court.
Receiver is diagonally opposite but is not restricted in where he/she waits.
Serve may clear or touch the net, but must clear the Kitchen including the Kitchen line. If the ball hits the net but lands in the correct service square, the ball is in play. If the ball touches the lines of the correct service court (other than the kitchen line), the serve is valid and the ball is in play.
The person serving will continue to serve, changing sides each time, until he/she loses a point.
There is no changing of sides for the receiving players.
The correct server must serve. Likewise, the correct receiver must receive.
Kitchen: (Also known as NVZ – Non-Volley Zone)
Area between net and middle horizontal line (including the lines). No volleying (hitting ball on the full) in the kitchen – it is a fault.
The Momentum Rule states that if you hit a ball on the full from outside the kitchen, but the momentum of hitting it makes you land in the kitchen following the shot – it is a fault.
If the momentum of volleying outside the kitchen causes you to touch/drop your paddle (or anything else) in the kitchen – it is a fault
Two Bounce Rule:
When the server hits the ball, the receiver must let the ball bounce once before hitting it; then the server/serving team must let the ball bounce once before hitting it; then the rest of the rally continues with players either hitting the ball on the full (not in the kitchen) or after one bounce.
Playing Singles:
Player keeps the serve until loses a point. Then the call is ‘Side Out’ and the Opponent serves. The call is 3 – 2, for example.
At the start of each ‘Side Out’, the server serves from the correct serving area.
If the player’s score is even [0,2,4…] – serve from the right side.
If the player’s score is odd [1,3,5…] – serve from the left side.
Playing Doubles:
Server 1 serves. If Server 1 wins point, swap to other side and serve again. Server 1 keeps the serve and keeps swapping sides to serve until loses a point.
Once point is lost, Server 2 serves from the other side to the one Server 1 last served from and continues to serve until loses a point. Then ‘Side Out’ is called and the serve goes to Server 1 on the opponent’s team. The score call is 3 – 2 – (Server) 1, for example.
At ‘Side Out’, all players keep their current position on court and the player on the right side becomes Server 1 and serves. [As before, when Server 1 loses the point, Server 2 serves.]
Note: When commencing a Doubles game, the team that serves first only has use of one Server before ‘Side Out’. The player who serves first acts as ‘Server 2’ and serves from the right side. The initial call is 0-0-Start… or 0-0-2. When the team loses a rally, the call is ‘Side Out’ and the other team serves, starting with Server 1.
Changing Ends:
When you are only playing one game to determine the result – change ends once the first player reaches 6 points. (This is our rule at Trinity Beach.)
When you are playing the best of 3 games to determine the result:
- Change ends after the end of the first game
- If it goes to a third game, in the third game change ends once the first player reaches 6 points